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Trophy Clothing

"Collonil" Carbon Pro

"Collonil" Carbon Pro

Regular price $963.00 TWD
Regular price Sale price $963.00 TWD
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[Item Description]

Carbon Pro 300ml

It is a powerful waterproof spray with a high lasting effect that can be used for all kinds of materials and products.

Just by spraying, it creates a mesh-like protective film like carbon fiber on the surface of the object.
The protective film has abrasion resistance and elasticity, so the waterproof effect lasts for a long time.
In addition, the wrinkled parts of clothes and shoes exhibit the same high waterproof effect as flat surfaces.

The protective film is breathable and has a structure that makes it difficult for water and dirt to pass through from the outside.
It can be used for a wide range of items, from leather products such as smooth leather and suede to fabrics and high-tech materials.

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[How to use]

Use a cloth or brush to remove dust and dirt from the target material/product surface.
Shake the container well, keep the spray nozzle horizontal and about 20 cm away, and spray until the surface is lightly moistened.
After the smooth leather has dried, wipe it dry with a polishing cloth.
Raised leather and textiles should be brushed with a horsehair brush after drying.
After spraying, it will dry in about 20-30 minutes.Do not touch it until it is completely dry.
Nume leather can also be used.
Concentrating spraying on the same area may cause dripping and stains on the leather.
Spray while moving the can.

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